Your compliance excuses are bu!!$h!t

2 min Read
Your compliance excuses are bu!!$h!t
A former SEC examiner told me so.
He said at most firms compliance is either
a) An excuse or
b) Control
If you’re an independent it’s a)
→ If you’re working for a
→ Firm that blocks you
→ At every turn, it’s b).
But if you don’t move firms, it’s back to a).
So compliance is almost ALWAYS an excuse not to
↳ Do more marketing.
↳ Learn or change technology.
↳ Communicate more with clients.
→ The need for compliance is real
→ But at most firms it should
→ Just be called Control.
When you remove the fear, being compliant is pretty simple it turns out.
→ Do the right thing for the client.
→ Record everything and be able to reproduce it.
→ Follow a few rules on process, depending on your state/SEC.
Anyone who tells you any different is full of $h!t
→ But the worst part is
→ The industry itself uses the
→ Scary headlines to sell you things.
Ideas – Consulting – INACTION
You see the less you understand and think for yourself,
→ The more you
→ Depend on them
→ And buy from them.
→ F.U.D. (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt)
→ Still sells, unfortunately.
→ Think for yourself.
And move your business forward.
So go ahead and:
↳ Communicate by text – But keep records.
↳ Use technology and even AI – But Don’t share PII.
↳ Use media to get your message out to prospects. – But be smart
And if your firm complains and you’re doing all the right things.
Move on.
How has compliance been used to hold you back?