6 Tips for an Email Signature Your Clients Will Love

4 min Read

You write a lot of emails. Most advisors use a standard vanilla email signature, and very few use it to engage with clients and deliver consistent value. Until now.
As we all know, the most valuable client communication tools in your business are the ones that are automated, client-friendly and scalable. When advisors think about this, most point toward their client portal (which is right), but few realize that their email signature also falls into this bucket. Today I urge advisors everywhere to understand an email signature is a way you communicate with clients and prospects, is automated, scalable, free, and something you can set-and-forget.
Take a moment to optimize your email signature today. To help, here are 6 easy tips for creating one your clients will love:
1.) Don’t use an image.
This is important. Some advisors are under the impression that images are a fancy way to display an email signature, but they’re not. Most emailing systems won’t display your image unless the recipient has opted in to “Always display images from” your email address. If your client has not opted in, then the image will appear as a blank box with the image file’s alt text.
You think your client sees this:

But they actually see this:

2.) Keep it simple.
I’ve seen far too many email signatures that (like the example for tip #1) are incredibly cluttered: name, title, company name, company website, company logo, street address, phone number, fax number, email address, Facebook link, Twitter link, LinkedIn link, and a confidentiality statement. It’s not a good strategy. The more clutter in your email signature, the more overwhelming it is and the less likely clients are to ever engage with it. Keep it simple. Don’t include information just for the sake of including it. Your email signature isn’t your business card. This leads us to the next point…
3.) Be logical.
Do you really need to put your email address in your signature? You’re sending an email, so they have it. Do clients really want to see your mailing address, fax number, etc. every time you send them an email? Probably not. Send this info to them when they actually need to mail or fax something to you. Be logical – it will help you get rid of the clutter and focus on more valuable elements.
4.) Offer direct contact.
Include your direct phone number in your signature in case a client wants to chat live about the email you sent. Phone numbers that go through the office assistant or forward to voicemail create a barrier between client and advisor, so they’re less likely to call you and more likely to feel disengaged.
5.) Link to an active community.
Clients love to feel like they’re a member of their advisor’s larger community. Choose one online community that you frequently update and link to it. Whether it’s Twitter, your blog, the company’s LinkedIn group, or even a Facebook group, include a link to your #1 most popular community and invite them to join.
6.) Remind clients why they’re smart to work with you.
This is the most important element and the one most advisors don’t include. Give clients a reminder that the work you’re doing together is valuable. Some advisors choose to include their company mission statement or similar branded slogan, but the best idea I’ve seen is providing a link to the client portal. This element of your signature provides current clients with one-click access to log in to their portal, and sends a subtle message to prospects of the value they’d receive working with you. It’s a win-win.
Here are a few examples clients will love:
Carolyn McRae
Your Trusted Financial Advisor
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Disclaimer: I’m not a CFP. But you get the picture. Well, there you go! A few quick moments today toward scaling your business and keeping clients happy.