Embrace the Obvious to Counter Confusing Technology, Writes Blueleaf CEO in Advisor Perspectives

1 min Read
“Be bold and innovate with your clients, and it will favor you,” writes Blueleaf CEO John Prendergast in his latest article in Advisor Perspectives called “Embracing the Obvious.”
“My team interacts with advisors’ clients all day long,” writes John. “When experimenting with new solutions, we often present a choice, A or B. The key isn’t that they may like B better; it’s “Why?” “Why does that work better for you than A in solving this issue?”
“If you do the same with your clients, after several conversations, a consensus will emerge. That will lead to a much better solution than “What do you want?” It’s about being iterative. Including clients in your innovation process will strengthen your relationships and improve your client service.”
Much of our technology is complex and confusing, writes John. The goal of the Blueleaf team is to put preconceptions aside and develop solutions that are as obvious and easy to navigate as an iPhone.

See the full article Embracing the Obvious in Advisor Perspectives.