How To Get Quick Ideas For Your Next Blog Post and Proof It Works

3 min Read
At the end of my blog post last week, I pointed out that Twitter is a great place to find inspiration when blogging. If you sit down to write, tap into your creative mind and hear crickets where creativity used to be, browse Twitter.
To help you realize just how easy this can be, I probed my own Twitter followers to share their money questions, and shared them below. Your Lesson: People are eager to get help with even the most “basic” money management topics.
Write blog posts that answer simple questions because they’re not “simple” topics for most people. You’re a pro, you get it, but others do not. It’s your chance to be the help they’re seeking.
This is an incredibly strategic blogging strategy for advisors. Why? For starters, when folks enter these types of questions into Google, you want your blog posts to get the chance to appear in search results. Plus, when a person hears about your services, they’ll check out your website, navigate to your blog, and see that you’re already addressing the topics they care about most. Bingo. Strong prospect lead.
Feel free to use these questions to fuel your next blog topic, or reply to their tweets directly! Happy blogging.
4 Hot Topics and 12 Specific Blog Post Ideas
1) Student debt
@carolynheard @AvaMcRaeva @SaraRSolis @adamsigel real topic = advice for young professionals suffering from huge student loan payments!
— Grace McRae (@gracemcrae) June 10, 2014
Possible blog posts:
– Stress-free tips for handling student loans
– 4 tips for calmly managing your monthly student loan payments
– How I helped my daughter think clearly about her student loan payments
2) Budgeting tools
@carolynheard @gracemcrae @SaraRSolis @adamsigel Best websites/apps to track spending and saving? — Ava Elizabeth (@AvaMcRaeva) June 10, 2014
Possible blog posts:
– Review: New iPhone app helps you easily track spending and saving
– Best website to track your spending on-the-go
– Monitor your budget with this free mobile app
3) Finances for newlyweds
@carolynheard actual question: “What’s the best way to monitor month-to-month household finances without ruining your marriage?”
— Adam Sigel (@adamsigel) June 9, 2014
Possible blog posts:
– Finance for Newlyweds: 3 ways to monitor your shared finances
– Best collaborative budgeting tool for newlyweds who want to sync up
– Money and Marriage: How to keep the peace when talking about money
4) Credit cards
@carolynheard I do have an actual question, too.. “What are some tips/advice you have in order to manage credit card spending and debt?” — Sara Solis (@SaraRSolis) June 10, 2014
Possible blog posts:
– One simple spending motto to keep you out of credit card debt
– The power of planning, credit card edition
– Too much credit card debt? How to tackle it today, tomorrow, and beyond
Photo credit: Flickr