Why RIAs Need To Protect, Preserve and Defend The Fiduciary Standard

1 min Read
In This Episode
Live From RIA Summit 2022 with Knut Rostad, Co-founder and President of The Institute For The Fiduciary Standard.
The Fiduciary Standard is the bedrock of the RIA business model. Yet as Knut shared with John Prendergast and Mike Langford, the very concept of a fiduciary is under attack and at risk of losing its relevance if RIAs do not defend it aggressively.
Other Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
- The Future of Financial Advice: A Bird’s Eye View With The NAPFA CEO – Knut mentioned the great work that NAPFA is doing to support RIAs. Check out John and Mike’s conversation with Geof Brown, CEO of NAPFA.
- Knut Rostad Clarifies The SEC’s Revisions to Form CRS – Knut sat down for an interview with Jeff Benjamin and Bruce Kelly on the InvestmentNews Podcast to talk about the Form CRS updates that John asked him about during this show.