You ever hear these lies before?

1 min Read
You ever hear these lies before?
“We’ve got the best support”…
“Our onboarding is painless”…
Yeah, that’s the BS we’re talking about.
The vendor offers no proof.
Just a promise.
And worse they tell you that the support of their competitors is bad.
That should set off alarm bells
We think you should ask for DATA and PROOF.
So here is ours.
→ The image is a recent comment from our standard support line.
→ This is what our customers tell us.
→ We get these all the time.
→ 92% rated our support – Great YTD
→ Average time to resolution: < 10 min.
→ We also directly support YOUR clients.
At Blueleaf we deliver
More than we promise.
Every time.
Better Reporting.
Better Client Experience.
For 30-50% less than comparable solutions.
Oh, and demonstrably great support.
Learn more by talking to us.